I was recently asked by Jim Hassett to review his new product The LegalBizDev Success Kit™, "an audio course and set of reference tools that will help lawyers win
new business more quickly by applying best practices from other law
firms and other professions."
I have known Jim for a few years now after having met at an LSSO RainDance conference. I've seen him speak for the LMA, and have read his book "Legal Business Development, a Step by Step Guide" (which is also included in the Success Kit). I couldn't say no...so below is the review I sent him. You can read more about the Success Kit here.
Out of the box impression:
Right away
it appears to be a well thought out tool kit. The inclusion of the desk reference and quick start guide is a great way
to keep this in front of attorneys, and the note pads with the repeated line
“What should I do to increase new business?” is a constant reminder to keep on
top of things.
addition of the audio CD is another great tool. Since attorneys are always busy and on the go, the ability to upload
this information to their iPod and listen at the gym, on their way to work, on
a plane, etc. is very smart and makes learning and remembering all the more
Separate Components:
The Quick Start Sheet
and effective. Clear directions and a
good tool to have for reference to specific topics and sections of both the
Desk Reference and CD.
Desk Reference
is an amazing tool. It is practical,
usable, and the tips, guides and suggestions are completely doable. The well thought out sections and references,
as well as the tools, actions items, and slide make this something that any
lawyer at any stage in their career can use.
Basic Principles and Best Practices
both visual and audio CDs is plain smart; yet another way to learn from the
Success Kit. The ability to break the
learning into shorter segments, again, makes this more valuable and usable for
The Whole Package:
Success Kit really is the whole package. I keep repeating the works simple, effective, usable, smart because that
is exactly what it is. Jim Hassett has
put together tools and tips which any lawyer at any stage of their career can
easily take and apply to their business development efforts; and they are easy
enough to integrate into the daily work schedule of even the busiest attorney.
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